Worst Pep-talk to a surprise silver medalist ever

So the American pole vaulter, Jenn Stuczynski, has just won the silver medal. She runs to her coach to get his reaction.

He looks up, irritated because he was using his blackberry, and says:

The same old, same old your losing takeoff at the big heights

what are you going to do. you gotta learn to keep takeoff.

You got caught in that meat grinder, I told ten people, I did not want to get caught in that meat grinder

Between 65-80. You had to, though.  You weren’t on.

What are you going to do? What are you going to do? You didn’t have the legs, her legs are fresh

Hey it’s a silver medal, not bad for someone who has been pole vaulting for 4 years.

Looks at her, shrugs and goes back to using his blackberry

Announcer says:

Am I missing something Dwight, didn’t she just win a silver medal beaten only by the current world record holder? Where was the joy…

The tone of it was accusatory. Not appropriate.

One thought on “Worst Pep-talk to a surprise silver medalist ever

  1. Pingback: Day to Day Nonesense » In defence of Jenn Stuczynki’s coach

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