No disintegrations!


Just finished my latest Lego Time Lapse.

Here we have the Imperial Super Star Destroyer Executor:


And here we have a picture from the inside of the ship taken by a Bothan spy.


Lord Vader has just finished reminding the bounty hunting scum that there will be no disintegration of Han. Sadly bobba fett, is no where to be seen…

And here is the time lapse video:

An apology to every Indian I ever asked for an Indian Restaurant

Ever since I came back from Bangalore, I have been on endless quest for a good Indian restaurant.

Over the years, I would ask my Indian friends: What’s a good Indian restaurant?

And they’d look at me funny, as if I had asked the most absurd question on the face of the Earth.

And I had been.

Because, asking for the best Indian restaurant is like asking for the Best European restaurant? Turns out that there are restaurants out there that are – yes – European restaurants. And as a European that makes about as much sense as an American restaurant does …

The best depends on what you want to eat, and more particularly what dish you want to eat and what atmosphere you want etc.

And for years, I had this fantasy that I would just walk into restaurant Foo and finally the food across all dishes would be awesome.

And today, I finally grew up. Turns out that my favorite Kabab place has terrible curries. And my favorite Curry place has terrible Kabab’s. And then neither have them have good Chicken 65, I have to go a third place – but be careful their Kabobs and Curry’s aren’t that great – so you have to be very careful with what you pick.

I’m thinking there are five levels of learning a cuisine:

  1. Good vs Bad – You’d be amazed at how few of us ever get out of that space. Most of my friends who eat Greek food in the bay area are trapped here…
  2. Recognizing gross differences (veg vs non-veg, curry vs kabab) heck – even recognizing that there are differences and different restaurants have different things they are good at is a big first step.
  3. Realizing that there are particular regional cuisines
  4. Picking a restaurant because it has a good dish.
  5. Never eating out because the food is terrible and only eating at home or at a friend’s house…

Right now, I’ve definitely graduated into level 2.


Nicholas Blows up the Death Star

I recently introduce my son to Star Wars with an action sequence from Return of the Jedi:

He liked it so much that I got him some of the mini LEGO starships…

He’s been very politely asking that I rebuild my Death Star LEGO. Since I was taking too long to comply he built his own out of magnetic building blocks.

And this morning he re-enacted the trench run when Lando blows up the Death Star.

Here he is showing us how Lando goes into the Death Star after Han disables the forcefield

And here is the Millenium Falcon escaping from the Death Star and it exploding …

May the Force be with him … Always


My heart runs cold, my favorite game is pixelated

I just finished installing X-Wing.

In my head, I remembered the amazing 3D graphics as the X-wing moved through space.

In my head, there were no pixels, or aliasing artifacts … Everything was amazingly smooth and pretty.

Pity I installed the game.

Because – the graphics are dated and old.

Although the rush of flying an X-wing never, ever, ever gets old.

So like the song says:

A part of me has just been wrecked
The pages from my mind are stripped
Oh no, I can’t deny it
Oh yeah, I guess I got to PLAY it


LEGO Falcon Time Lapse

Several years after I purchased the LEGO millenium falcon, I finally finished the thing.

Here’s the time lapse:

Here’s a picture of the final product:

IMG_2734And here’s an image of Han and Chewey waiting at the entrance of the Falcon with Leia and Obi-Wan in the cockpit…IMG_2732


My first badge as an intern at SGI back in 1995

This is a picture of my first badge at SGI as an intern.

The period 1992-1996 was a period before digital cameras. And there is a very small number of pictures of myself from that period. I think this may be like the 5th or 6th picture I have ever found.

Looking at the picture what I find interesting:

1) I still have the glasses. This is proof that I have owned those glasses for at least 19 years. My intuition is that I have owned them for longer, but I am uncertain. They are these Titanium glasses that have proven to be indistructible.

2) I don’t have the hair. I mean I don’t have that hair!

3) I looked (look?) like such a dorky geek.

The new social media

After several years of being glued to FB 24/7, partly a function of how great the platform is and partly a function of how much of my professional life centered around Facebook, I have moved slightly on.

I admire Facebook the company. They managed to figure out how to monetize human connections without selling cables.They enabled me to reconnect with friends and family that might otherwise have been utterly lost. They enabled the creation of gaming genres that the experts shat on and now make more money for game creators than ever before.

And I admire many many of the employees at Facebook that have done incredible things at an infrastructure level that are fundamentally disrupting how applications get built.

Facebook is a great company. And the Facebook product is a great product.

I also have to admit to myself that the Facebook platform is a media platform. Like any media platform it exploits human emotions to keep me connected. And the purveyors of content on the platform are keen to exploit human emotions to get me to click.

And the content provides are really good at it.

And I find myself, as I create content that I want to surface on FB, to be dragged into this war of emotions. Where everything has to become more and more sensationalized… Heck even this post is suffering from the same kind of sensationalized emotions that I accuse others of using.

And it doesn’t have to be that way. If I was smart enough to tell FB how to solve this I would, but I am not. And I expect that Facebook will figure out a solution to that problem. They are that smart.

But I, for my own reasons, need my emotional space. And that means dialing down my FB interactions just a little bit.

There is no way I am going off FB, that’s stupid. Facebook is the way I share information with many friends, where I learn about important life events and I sometimes connect with people I lost. And they are so important in that part of my life that I can’t imagine a post Facebook life.

And because of that I expect Facebook to remain an important part of the internet and the world and my weekly existence.

But that doesn’t mean I have to use Facebook 24×7.

It means I can use it less.

And I will 🙂

So what is the new social media? I have an email address,, feel free to use it. I have several blogs. feel free to comment and read. I use twitter for both sports and tech.  And you can still post on Facebook, I’ll still see your stuff just not as quickly.