I’m moving to Texas

Last night, after the sessions at LISA ended, I decided to go out and eat some meat. After all I am in Texas.

It turns out the place I went to is within walking distance of my hotel, The Hyatt Regency, on 702 Ross street off of Market and is called Y. O.  Ranch.

And yes the meat was fantastic.

But the reason I wanted to move to Texas is because there were 5 or 6 steak houses right next to each other! Literally one right next to another. Not fancy fluffy California fusion with mixed greens and arugula, but honest to God steakhouses! Places where the beef was beef and the meat was meat and the men were men.

This is a place, where buffalo meat is considered exotic!

When I told the waiter that I live in California, he smirked at me and asked if they actually serve meat in the state. I told him yes, but the steaks you buy are about 1/18th the size, and most of the time the waiter is explaining how the cow was a happy cow that lived a full and productive life when he’s not looking at you like a baby killer. I then told him about my challenges in trying to find a spit-rod for my roasted Lamb, and he had this perplexed expression on his face: why is finding a spit-rod so difficult to find? How do you roast pig?

So I am moving to Texas.

My wife pointed out that if I do move to Texas, i have to support Bush. But I pointed out that Texas was also the home of such fine upstanding politicians like Lyndon Johnson and Ann Richards. And after all I live in a state with a Governator!

One thought on “I’m moving to Texas

  1. Michael Rubin

    My parents are a couple of hard core liberals from Brooklyn. And they have lived in Texas for 8 years. While the politics may get them down, they LOVE it. And the food is one of their delights.

    You can do it!



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