If all else fails

So one of the more interesting(?) aspects of the Chines diving program is the monumental focus the Chinese diving program has.

The diver’s childhood is sacrificed on the altar of potential Olympic gold.

In America, that level of dedication is viewed with a certain dose of healthy doubt about whether the trade off is worthwhile.

But the reality is that the focus, the training and the dedication of the Chinese was creating a two tier diving ranking: The Chinese and everyone else.

The US team confronted with an inability to win anything in the last few Olympics has decided if you can not beat them join them.

So now we too have a sports academy where children go to try and be Olympic champions. Sacrificing their childhoods on the altar of a diving championship.

The children are home schooled, the parents are uprooted, everything is done in the name of victory.

And I don’t blame the American athletes. This is what it takes to win now that the Chinese have raised the bar in terms of training.

I just wish that an authoritarian state that had no concern for the lives of it’s citizens was not forcing the rest of us to be as heartless…

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