Back at Nagarjuna after 14 years.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Day 3
Zynga offices in bangalore. Across from my favorite hotel – the oberoi.
Reminder of some happy days working with an amazing team.
Day 2
Went camping with kid’s school. Daughters of two friends got really excited about creating me a new modern look. I was told it would make an internet star. I thought it looked cool.
Made me laugh really hard.
Day 1
Mimsy are the borogoves
Nicholas and hi friend took a toy in a radically different direction
Last year, the Sharks sales office got a piece of my mind. When the online marketplaces undersold our tickets, we felt like fools for being season ticket holders. I let them know that it was their job to make us feel appreciated with special events. The Sharks introduced a new season ticket system called 360 Sharks. And they promised special, only season ticket holder events. And they delivered one I truly appreciated. Nicholas and I are standing in front of the Clarence Campbell trophy. Notice, we have no hands near the trophy. The trophy was on display in the Barracuda’s dressing room. A room that was secure and ds a result we were not allowed to take our pictures. Here are a few pictures of the lines into the trophy room. And here’s the coolest picture of all, Nicholas staring at the picture because I suppose he recognizes how awesome it is for the Sharks to have made it to the finals? I don’t know; I’d like to imagine he knows how special this moment is.
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Dinner at Kali
No need for straws
Decorating boats at Greek festival
The Great One on the Greatest One
We didn’t touch the Clarence Campbell trophy