Category Archives: Nicholas Charis Roussos

Mariah point


pay no attention to the gps data. This is Mariah point at royal gorge in the Sierra Nevada mountains….

my wife and I once skiied 20km to see clouds… thankfully this time it was a pleasant drive…

nicholas thought it was super cool because he thinks it is Misty Island.

Happy Holi

One of the coolest parts about living in the bay area is that we get to celebrate Holi. After too many years of missing the fun, Nicholas and I went to party at Stanford organized by Asha.

Nicholas had a blast.

First there was just the fun of throwing colors. We eventually figured out that you don’t shove it in people’s mouth, but spread it on their cheeks and say “Happy Holi”.

Then we had ate some super-tasty and spicy Indian food. Nicholas ate some biryani. After a few bites he started to cry saying: Mouth hurts. I gave him some raita and promised it would feel better. He didn’t trust me, after all I gave him the rice to begin with. After a sips of raita, Nicholas told me: Mouth feels better! Then he ate some more rice, complained about his mouth hurting and ate some raita. When we were in the car on the way back Nicholas reassured me that Mouth feels better.

Finally we sprayed water at each other using water guns. It was a complete messy blast.

Arriving home we discovered that the colors are a little bit more resistant to water that I thought. After a thorough scouring we got – kinda – clean.

Gone skiiting

Yesterday we took a day off to go skiing or skiiting as Nicholas likes to call it.

He could move forwards and hang on to go downwards.

I am worried because he kept wanting to go off trail… He was so frustrated when I said that the area cordoned off was off limits.

It was a great day at Dodge Ridge.